The Spiral Series
Welcome to the Online Community October- December
Available spots
Service Description
9-11:00 am Pacific Time (2 hrs) Total of 12 hours of Ceremony and Teachings 6 Spiral Gathering Titles; The Calls will be Hosted from Sacred Lands during a Pilgrimage through Europe , Join me on this Journey! Lynx-Tracking - Embodied Shamanic Teachings The Great Bear Goddess- Dream Work Raven- Shamanic Craft- Building your Staff White Hare- A New Story, New Beginnings & Shamanic Story Telling The Crown and the Golden Apple- Purification Ritual and Holding Knowledge The Grail- Holy Water Activation This series was designed to strengthen our intentions, healing, dreams through the power of community, wherever we are in the world. Running alongside the collective, bringing forth old techniques with a new world as the stars would have it. We learn to safely traverse the Spirit Worlds, to build ritual and practice ceremonially with a community. Meet guides along the way who bring you back to your most natural self. Learning to find your way into the other worlds and back. Bringing transformation, healing and wisdom to your life. -Who the Spiral Series is for- All are welcome to the Spiral Series. It is very helpful to have some experience crossing veils, weather you are a lucid dreamer, have taken breathwork courses, trained in plant medicines, shamanic trainings, or a journey class. If you are brand new to the work please consider taking the many free intro trainings online (Sandra Ingerman, Rhonda McCrimmon and many more). Stars to Sea has a more in-depth full intro training online, Fox of the Forest. You may also ask for a personal training with Stars to Sea (email- hereandnow.elaine@gmail.com). Artists Teachers Counsellors First Responders/ Nurses/ Officers Intuitive/ Highly Sensitives Strong Dreamers and Visionaries Those who have had strange interactions with wildlife Near death experiences Those who are constantly called to the Shamanic path Be prepared to leave behind the world as you know it and enter into the threshold, through the veil. - Stars to Sea Spiritual Society Please subscribe to the mailing list to hear of the upcoming classes. The teachings are brought to the Stars to Sea Podcast & Blog for future listens as well and to come back to practice. * If you miss a class it cannot be refunded, but the journeys will be shared with you so you can continue on the Spiral with the Community. * If a date must be cancelled, it will be rescheduled, added onto in February

Cancellation Policy
Pillars of Protection When one shares in the ceremony, let them speak and be heard. Please refrain from making comments and interpretations. If you feel pressed too, sit with it to decipher if it is your ego, wanting to be validated, if it still presses to say something ask their permission (remember the message is also for you if you have received it.) When sharing your journeys with the circle remember that your words are imbued with power. You are full of your experience and share your journey to be heard, to honour the gift. Please do not feel you have to share to feel validated or receive feedback for it is encouraged to hold your story and keep it sacred. We all belong in this circle. We are all learning, growing and transmuting together. We do not want to block a person's experience or take their experience from them. If one of our members is having an emotional release, stay steady and present but don't take their release from them even if it looks painful. Letting others experience themselves, transmute and transform is a wonderful gift. We hold others in their light and shine and not take their gifts. Their power is not your power so it will be foreign. Let's hold our own power and shine with them. Be present and stay with your experience instead of checking out to be with your feelings. If you are having trouble hearing others share because you are with your own experience. Do not abandon your centre but try listening from the place in your body between your heart and stomach. Self responsibility; name it to tame it. If you need a minute , ask to exit the circle to regulate. Be mindful of your disruption to the circle. Respect the circle and not overshadow others' time in the circle. Stay Sober. You must not use any plant medicines the day of the ceremony, as well as any drugs ( excluding prescribed drugs) or alcohol. The reason for this is your internal and external messages may not be clear. Secret and Sacred. Do not share what others have spoken about with others outside of the circle, keep the members of the circles identified and their gifts protected. Take care of yourself. Be Present, show up, hold your energy, stay in your body and heart as best as you can. Thank you for reading the Pillars to Protect the Circle.
Contact Details
Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada